Ascension Lutheran Church

Sunday Worship 11:00 AM

Bible Study 11:00 AM

Wednesday Prayer Service 7:00 PM

Inspired by the Magi following the star to Jesus, selecting a star word to meditate on throughout the new year can deepen your self-reflection and prayer practices.  For this Epiphany, our word was chosen randomly – putting the cards face down and picking one by chance.  To receive your star word, click on the picture and fill out a form with your name and email.  We’ll send you a star word for the year.  (


Our worship forms the center of our life as a Christian community that shares a living, daring confidence in God’s grace. As members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, we believe this faith comes through the good news of Jesus Christ. It gives us the freedom and courage to wonder, discover, and boldly participate in what God is up to in the world. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person—questions, complexities, and all.

For more information on what it’s like at worship, check out our latest Sunday service, contact us at the church, or find us on Facebook at #ThisIsTheFeast. 

Our Ministries


Deacon Ellen Koester considers herself a Michigan girl and a Southern woman. She lives with Elmo, her loud and rambunctious canine companion who she is certain is part velociraptor. She came to consider the South her home as she served congregations in Tennessee, Georgia, and North Carolina. She also served as the CEO of Lutheran Services in Tennessee. She graduated from the University of Dayton in Dayton, OH, and Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, OH. 

Seeing individuals of all ages grow in their faith and life and helping them discover ways to use their gifts to share God’s love is what she loves in ministry. 

Deacons in the ELCA are ordained ministers of Word and Service. They serve at the intersection of church and world, bringing a sharper focus to how the church responds to the needs of the people.


About Us

Ascension is a small church with a big heart.  We come together on Sunday and Wednesday nights to worship and are focused on providing healthy, sustainable food sources for all.  We partner with other organizations to serve our neighbors and strive to create a community where all belong.  

Worship:  We come together to worship God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Faith:  We grow our faith in Jesus through Bible study, questioning everything, and discussing what it means for us today.
Love:  We unite to create a loving community, support and encourage one another, and pray unceasingly.
Serve: We actively partner with our neighbors and other organizations, connecting our neighborhood to the community at large, and striving to create a stronger, more just society.

Ascension Lutheran Church is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (

Ascension Lutheran Church

720 S. Germantown Rd

East Ridge, TN 37412



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